Andrew Fleming Life Coaching - Andrew Fleming Life Coaching 136 Manawapou Road

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Andrew Fleming Life Coaching -

Life Success Coaching. Public Speaking. Seminars and Workshops

About Andrew Fleming Life Coaching


Andrew Fleming is 45 years old and after surviving a life changing injury he has his life well and truly back on track.


He grew up on a poultry farm in Taranaki, New Zealand which he considers a pretty ideal childhood. The farming lifestyle taught him lots about life in general, and especially about determination and doing what it takes to get things done.

He spent a lot of his childhood snow and water skiing which both became true passions by the time he was a young man. He considers his best sporting accomplishment to be the skill and proficiency he achieved as barefoot water skier. A sport that requires you to step right out of your comfort zone and that takes a huge amount of dedication. He also pushed the line with his beloved snow skiing just as much.


After completing an electrical apprenticeship he specialized in Appliance Servicing and contracted to the firm that trained him. The problem solving required well suited to the West part of his personality.


After 10 years in the Electrical Industry, this career was no longer challenging him. Newly married to the daughter of a sheep farmer he had the opportunity to go sheep farming. This career change really challenged him and gave him a new lease on life meeting all these new challenges.


One fateful day in October 2000 he came to grief on his quad motorbike. The accident broke his back and left him paraplegic. The rehabilitation process meant a whole new set of challenges and challenges that most of us can’t imagine.


He met this new set of challenges head on remained positive about his future prospects spending a lot of his spare time in hospital thinking about how he was going to continue farming from a wheelchair. After three months in hospital and home for just a week his wife announced she was leaving him which tipped his world upside down for the second time in a three month period.


Even though he was lucky to have a very supportive family he says he felt so abandoned and alone. He had to learn to accept himself for who he was. He says people reassured him that he was still the same person but the fact was,  he was a broken man after a serious injury like that. No matter what people told him and how good their intentions were he was still unable to do the things he was most passionate about, and that really hurt as well as not having the option to be with the woman he had wanted to spend his life with and also being in severe pain 24/7, due to the nerve damage around the broken vertebrae in his back. The only income he had was a compensation for the accident insurer of $14,000 per annum and he was unable to go back to the trade he knew.


These facts caused him to get quite depressed. People around him told him he needed to take anti-depressants. He refused saying that there were legitimate reasons for his depression and that he needed to get his head around things – not take a pill.


Needing to improve his income, he put all the money he had into purchasing a couple of rental properties and made a $70,000 profit in a 3 year period. He used this profit to purchase more property and educate himself about property investment while remaining disciplined and living on the small amount of money he received on the income compensation, from the accident insurer and leaving all the profits in the business.


The property investment courses he attended exposed him to the world of personal development and he learnt the power of re-framing situations and looking at what was great about them instead of dwelling on what was wrong with them. Over the last 7 years or so he has attended several different personal development courses and surrounded himself with what he calls the right kind of people and as a result he gone from strength to strength.

He is a public speaker and inspires his audience as he tells them of what he has done to get over the hurdles he has faced and prove things to himself. He says his audiences are usually silent as he tells them of spending six hours lying in a paddock with a broken back wondering if anyone would find him in time and how he has renovated houses from his wheelchair as he couldn’t afford to pay tradesmen to do it due to the meager, $14,000 per annum income he had to survive on.


Now more than 8 years since that fateful day he says he is even happier than he was before the accident. He is in a new relationship has children in his life as well as several investment properties and sees opportunities all around him. He says he is lucky because he has learnt to choose to focus on what is good in his life and chooses not to focus on what he cannot change. This attitude sees him achieving more than a lot of able bodied people. Andrew’s story is very inspiring and as you can see he has had more than his share of up’s and downs. As they say, what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger – so consider the strength you could learn from Andrew in the way of self esteem, dealing with your emotions, overcoming adversity and getting on with things despite the odds.        


Although Andrew lives in New Zealand he has coached people outside of New Zealand using Skype and email and these clients speak highly of his ability and that distance was no issue to them.


Andrew’s personal development journey includes the following courses and seminars;

  • Kurek Ashley’s Power Up to Peak Performance and then crewed at 4 of these events including fire walking a total of 6 times.
  •   Coached at 2 Step Up events where they get up to 1,000 teenagers together for 2 days and expose them to successful speakers to demonstrate that anything you put your mind to is possible.
  •   Wealth Shift with Mike Hancock and Life Shift with Dave Rogers. These two courses are put on for life members of XL Results Foundation which is a global networking group that also has monthly area meetings for it Life Members to allow them to network with like minded people striving for success.
  • Applied Wealth Dynamics - a full day seminar about the application of Roger Hamilton's Wealth Dynamics System with Dave Rogers and Mike Hancock.
  •   The Entrepreneurs Business School which is a 4 day seminar around the personal development, required to be a successful entrepreneur also put on by XL Results Foundation.
  •   Essentially Speaking with Amanda Fleming which is a personal development  course around public speaking.
  •   The Landmark Forum.
  •   The Beyond Success Coach Training program with Paul & Mary Blackburn.
  •   The Mental Toolbox with Paul Blackburn as a participant and then as crew.
  •   The Ultimate Cruise Seminar-The Principals of Prosperity with Paul & Mary Blackburn and Andrew & Daryl Grant.

Andrew is a Qualified Coach in the Beyond Success methodology. Visit for more information.


Beyond Success has been awarded the Coaching Business of the Year Award for 2011 by the Australia and New Zealand Coaching Institute.




Contact Andrew Fleming Life Coaching

Address :

Andrew Fleming Life Coaching 136 Manawapou Road, Hāwera 4672, New Zealand

Postal code : 4672
Website :

Andrew Fleming Life Coaching 136 Manawapou Road, Hāwera 4672, New Zealand
Johanna Fleming on Google

Andrew has some great stuff to teach those who want more from life.

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