Browns Bay Bilingual Speech Language Therapy (Mandarin-English) 博客雙語語言治療 - Browns Bay

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Contact Browns Bay Bilingual Speech Language Therapy (Mandarin/English) 博客雙語語言治療

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Browns Bay, Auckland 0626, New Zealand

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Postal code : 0626
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Browns Bay, Auckland 0626, New Zealand
Kevin Sui (Superpq/NZZoo) on Google

li shu on Google

The therapist Jenny was recommended by our daughter's GP. Her bilingual (Mandarin & English), international and professional background perfectly suits our situation. She knows so well about children, including their development physical and pyschological, emotional and cognitive... and is a real expert in speech therapy. Our dauther just loved her for the first trial session and has been going to her therapy sessions for a year now (from 3 yrs. to 4 yrs. ). She has made amazing progress in her speech and becoming better and better, from having difficulty in saying two words at the beginning to now being able to speak simple sentences over 5 words. Besides, Jenny is so kind-hearted, gentle and compassionate, and she has given us more than just therapy sessions. We feel extremely lucky to have met Jenny. Huge thanks to you Jenny and hope you all the best! 我的女儿因为语言障碍(主要是构音困难)经家医推荐找到Jenny, 结果第一次试听我的女儿就喜欢上了她的课. 每次见面和离开都要给她大大的拥抱! Jenny的专业水准毋庸置疑,她对孩子细心关照温柔呵护,因材施教, 卓有成效. 我的女儿已经上她的课一年了,只是一周一次就已经有了很大的进步,令人惊喜! 更感激Jenny老师的付出和用心! Jenny真的是一位值得托付的专业语言治疗师,很庆幸我们及时遇到了她, 让我女儿的成长之路越来越好!
The therapist Jenny was recommended by our daughter's GP. Her bilingual (Mandarin & English), international and professional background perfectly suits our situation. She knows so well about children, including their development physical and pyschological, emotional and cognitive... and is a real expert in speech therapy. Our dauther just loved her for the first trial session and has been going to her therapy sessions for a year now (from 3 yrs. to 4 yrs. ). She has made amazing progress in her speech and becoming better and better, from having difficulty in saying two words at the beginning to now being able to speak simple sentences over 5 words. Besides, Jenny is so kind-hearted, gentle and compassionate, and she has given us more than just therapy sessions. We feel extremely lucky to have met Jenny. Huge thanks to you Jenny and hope you all the best! My daughter found Jenny because of a language barrier (mainly difficult to make sounds) and was recommended by a family doctor. As a result, my daughter fell in love with her class for the first audition. Every time she met and left, she gave her a big hug! Jenny There is no doubt about her professional level. She has taken good care of her children with tenderness, teaching according to her aptitude, and it has been very effective. My daughter has been taking her class for a year, and she has made great progress only once a week, which is amazing! Thank you teacher Jenny Dedication and care! Jenny is really a professional speech therapist who is worthy of trust. I am glad that we met her in time to make my daughter's growth path better and better!
Harry wang on Google

我相信,Jennifer 老师和她的两个天使般的孩子一定是上帝安排来帮助我们孩子的。我们很庆幸能得到Jennifer这样一位新西兰唯一一个双语SLT老师来指导我们的孩子,以她对学生无私的爱心,无比的耐心,严谨的教学态度,丰富的教学手段和扎实的教学理念,无论在课堂上(有很多可爱的玩具、教具和书籍的一个单独的小房间作为教室)还是课后的作业任务,都能给予我们孩子系统的训练和科学的指导。从去年9月开始学习到12月,他的母语发音由最初的50%的清晰度快速提升到80%,英文发音也循序渐进的提高很多。值得一提的是,Jennifer老师在中英文交叉教学中充分利用类比参照、同音分组练习方法,使得中英文水平能同步加速进步。通过设计不同难度的线条的握笔练习也对写字笔画帮助也很大。另外,通过丰富多彩的教具寓教于乐,孩子在精细动作也有进步,在剪纸做手工上精准度和速度上都有提高。每次课后都会详细和我们讲解课程设计原理,指导我们如何配合做课后作业,同时对于我们的问题也会做详细的解答,经常是要到下一个学生来了才能结束,自己一点休息时间都没有。最让人感动的是,Jennifer老师还经常请他们家的两位哥哥姐姐一起来做游戏和参加户外运动,他们能容忍和理解我们孩子的不礼貌和经常的不配合行为,非常nice有爱心的营造积极健康的社交氛围,配合jennifer老师在游戏中、运动中、日常生活中以自身为榜样进行教学训练,培养、训练和提高了他的social skills,这样的环境对于我们孩子来说是千金难买。“生命必须有裂缝,阳光才能照的进来”,感谢Jennifer老师和两位天使哥哥姐姐,你们就是我们孩子生命中那一缕璀璨温暖的阳光。我们会永远记得,在那个阳光灿烂的下午,在那个淅淅沥沥的雨后,伴随着青青的草香,Jennifer老师和三个孩子们在摆满玩具和童书的小屋里席地而坐,耐心温柔的细语教导,而我们的孩子,在润物细无声的滋养下,他的生命花朵也在一点点努力的盛开,竟然也会发出沁人的芬芳。
I believe that Teacher Jennifer and her two angelic children must be arranged by God to help our children. We are fortunate to have a New Zealand bilingual SLT teacher like Jennifer to guide our children, with her unselfish love for students, unparalleled patience, rigorous teaching attitude, rich teaching methods and solid teaching philosophy. In the classroom (a small room with lots of cute toys, teaching aids and books as a classroom) or after-school assignments, we can give our children systematic training and scientific guidance. From September last year to December, his native pronunciation has been rapidly increased from the initial 50% clarity to 80%, and the English pronunciation has improved step by step. It is worth mentioning that Teacher Jennifer makes full use of the analog reference and homophone group practice methods in the cross-teaching between Chinese and English, so that the Chinese and English levels can accelerate and progress simultaneously. The pen-holding practice of designing lines of different difficulty also helps the writing strokes. In addition, through the colorful teaching aids and entertaining, the children have also made progress in fine movements, and the precision and speed of paper-cutting are improved. After each class, we will explain the course design principles in detail, guide us how to cooperate with homework assignments, and provide detailed answers to our questions. It is often necessary to go to the next student to finish, and take a break. nothing. The most touching thing is that Teacher Jennifer often invites his two brothers and sisters to play games and participate in outdoor sports. They can tolerate and understand our children's impoliteness and frequent mismatch behavior. Very nice and caring. To create a positive and healthy social atmosphere, and to cooperate with Jennifer in teaching, training, and daily life, to train, train, and improve his social skills. This environment is difficult for our children. buy. "Life must have cracks, the sun can come in." Thanks to Teacher Jennifer and the two angels, brothers and sisters, you are the warm sunshine of our children's lives. We will always remember that on that sunny afternoon, after the pattered rain, accompanied by the green grass, Jennifer and the three children sat in the hut filled with toys and children's books, patient and gentle whispers Teaching, and our children, under the nourishment of moisturizing things, his life flowers are also in full bloom, and even a fragrant fragrance.
Shelley Lu on Google

我们的儿子乔治之前因为耳朵积水,造成语言发展明显比同龄小朋友要慢许多,而且他经常注意力不集中,特别的活跃。当时在学校也因为交流的问题,性格变得非常急躁,时不时会用打架来代替沟通不畅的问题。 于是通过老师介绍,我们找到了Jennifer老师,Jennifer老师在中文和英文的辅导上特别专业。对待孩子也是非常的温柔。最让我们吃惊的是她对待像乔治这样及其不愿意配合教学的孩子,异常的耐心。Jennifer老师通过玩玩具,卡片等的边玩边学的轻松教学方式,让乔治能够安静下来,专心的和老师一起做游戏学习。几个月下来,不论是动手能力,还是语言方面,都有明显的进步。乔治现在已经能够表达自己的要求,而且会尝试学习唱歌,给我们讲故事。现在更是我们的好帮手,非常热衷于帮助我们做家务。这一切都要感谢Jennifer老师,没有她,乔治就不会有这么大的改变。
Our son George used to have water in his ears, which caused his language development to be significantly slower than that of his peers, and he was often inattentive and particularly active. At that time, the school also became very irritable due to communication problems. From time to time, fights were used to replace the problem of poor communication. So through the teacher introduction, we found Mr. Jennifer, who is very professional in Chinese and English tutoring. Treating children is also very gentle. What surprised us the most was her exceptional patience with children like George who were unwilling to cooperate with teaching. Teacher Jennifer's easy teaching method of playing while learning by playing with toys and cards allows George to calm down and concentrate on playing games with his teacher. Over the past few months, there has been significant improvement in both hands-on skills and language. George has now been able to express his demands, and will try to learn to sing and tell us stories. It is now our good helper, very keen to help us with housework. All this thanks to Teacher Jennifer. Without her, George would not have changed so much.
Lee Sharon on Google

Jennifer is very patient and she is passionate about teaching. She has taugh us the parents on how to teach our kids and how to encourage our kids to learn.
Kexin Li on Google

Our daughter was diagnosed as moderate ASD at the age of 3.5, we have been through extremely tough periods along the way, not to mention many heart broken moments watching her left behind by all the kids around her. We have zero to none understanding about autism back then, and there were limited resources available from the public health system. But we are fortunate enough to be introduced to Jennifer through referral, this is indeed a life changing journey to our family. Jen was pretty full on when we approached her but she still decided to make time to support our daughter in the best way she can. There are too many experts out there trying to scare you with medical jargons rather than having clear strategy in mind. Jen is different, she read through Olivia's diagnosis very carefully and designed a plan specifically tailored to her development pace. Jen's ability to communicate with ASD kids is second-to-none, Olivia was instantly attached to her when we first met. Instead of teaching Olivia in the traditional way, she helped Olivia improving her speech/social skills by playing together the goal orientated games she designed. We're amazed by the progress Olivia has made so far, she's no longer the poor little girl sitting in the corner in the kindy, she's engaged in conversations a lot more and she's now has someone that she would proudly called "friends"! All these achievements can't be done without Jen's hard work. i will not hesitate to recommend Jen if you need a quality SLT for what ever reasons.

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