Counties Manukau District Health Whirinaki - East Tāmaki

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Counties Manukau District Health Whirinaki

Address :

Counties Manukau District Health Whirinaki 7 Springs Road, East Tāmaki, Auckland 2013, New Zealand

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 2013
Categories :

Counties Manukau District Health Whirinaki 7 Springs Road, East Tāmaki, Auckland 2013, New Zealand
Sophie Oulds on Google

Where do I even start. There is so much wrong with Whirināki. When I had my attempted suicide in 2015 the lady that was with me in my initial referral made me extremely uncomfortable by constantly laughing, I remember getting a phone call from my case worker who asked for abuser 1's number then proceeded to call said abuser to ask how I was. There was another time where they were listening to my abusers throughout the entire session to the point where I talked for 5 mins top and to top it all off they let abuser 1 pull me out without my consent/ checking up on me. Would really recommend Whirināki if you want to be encouraged to kill yourself and worsen your prexisting mental illnesses.
Shannan Langman on Google

I agree with the comment about giving a 0 star rating if possible! Very subpar services. We’ve been with whirinaki for about 7 years with our son. We’ve never been super impressed with the service but it seems to be getting worse each time we use them. Latest one (and not the first time it’s happened) we turned up for our appointment (a two hour round trip) only to be told that our appointment was cancelled without any phone call. Rang to leave a complaint and was told by the call taker they would “make it their mission to get to the bottom of it” yet no phone call back or reschedule for appointment nearly a month later. Terrible waste of tax payer funding. No wonder our adult mental health in nz is a shambles if they can’t adequately help those in need while they’re children. Absolutely appalled! DO BETTER WHIRINAKI. Actually, just do something...anything even and that would be a start.
Mo Nev on Google

I would give this place 0 star if I could. They don't help you although you are psychologically abused. They don't listen to you but listen and believe everything that the perpetrator says. They label you as a mad person and tell you that you are the problem. They tell you to go home where you are abused and bullied. They tell you to keep taking the medication which does not suit you. I felt much much much worse, miserable, sad and hopeless every time I saw that horrible psychiatrist there. This place definitely makes you worse. DON'T GO.
Phoebe Grey on Google

My best friend had went here for psychological advice, and left with medication that didn’t even match the mental illness she went into said hospital for. She is 14 years of age. The nicest thing those doctors did for her was compliment her outfit. Here’s a list of things they did incorrectly that needs improvement: -She is 14, they should have asked her if she was comfortable having her mother in the room. They didn’t, and her mother did all the talking. Her mother mentally abuses her. When you are above 13 years of age, the doctors are obliged to ask if you would like a parental figure accompanying you during your appointment. They did none of the sort. -They prescribed her with sertraline, and claimed they were anxiety meds. Sertraline is a type of antidepressant, not an anxiety medication. Not to mention, they did not recommend any form of counseling, or coping mechanisms beforehand. They just immediately gave her incorrect medication and sent her off. On a side note to that, this medication has a lot of negative side affects that can worsen her mental illnesses. Look up the negative side affects of sertraline, and you’ll see what I mean. -When prescribing said medication that she should not be taking in the first place, due to the fact that she is 14 and is still going through hormonal changes, they made the directions very unclear. On the labeling, there was zero punctuation, improper grammar, and they were prescribing her to take too much. She could overdose on that!! That isn’t safe whatsoever. -This girl had alerted the staff she had a heavy fear of men due to post-traumatic stress disorder, and they completed disregarded her concerns and gave her a male doctor. -They had an extra person sitting in the room learning off of her appointment, which made her even more uncomfortable in the setting than she already was. This place really needs to fix themselves up. They are far beyond ignorant, have no care for the patients, and overall do not care about what happens to their clientele. This place is absolutely horrid, and if you or someone you know has a mental health issue I would NOT send them here.
Aerydice on Google

It’s absolutely disgusting that there is nothing you can do about this place. This is not a good place to go to for help AT ALL. My high school often referred students here and all of the people I knew of that went only had bad things to say. It was compulsory!! It’s almost as if the employees were never taught to disconnect their own feelings, emotions, etc. from the clients appointment. This is what they’re SUPPOSED to do. Reaching out for help is hard. Having a bad experience 100% deters people from believing they can find better help. I hope they get their sh*t together.
Hannah Johnson on Google

Over a year on since my daughter was first referred and still no closer. I have called and called trying to find out what is going on, when she is going to be seen and every time I get sent to voicemail and never receive a call back. At one point I was informed her file had been closed, they have not even seen her, I was not told about any of this. I have asked our GP to be referred elsewhere but unfortunately this is our only option. So I get to watch her struggle through school while waiting for an appointment that is going to come years too late at this rate.
apollo #69 on Google

the doctor i was assigned to never responded to anything for entire months at a time and pretty much said "you have an ed? just eat". do go here if you want to feel like you're a monster for having issues though!
Peter Mcgregor on Google

Went there with my Mrs and our son who is getting treated there for his anger and mental health

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