新之路移民公司 Express Immigration (NZ) Ltd - Auckland CBD

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新西兰移民政策+64-9-3033533投资移民流程攻略,移民留学中介,奥克兰移民律师 - Eimmigration.co.nz


新西兰移民政策+64-9-3033533投资移民流程攻略,移民留学中介,奥克兰移民律师 - Eimmigration.co.nz

新西兰的失业率长期处在在 4.5 - 6.5 % 的水平,在发达国家中属于最低的, 但这并不意味着每个留学生都可以轻而易举地找到工作,而是一个极其痛苦的历程。

找工作秘笈之一 打好英语基础

中国留学生在新西兰就业的首要障碍是英语能力。许多毕业生(包括名牌大学的)无法流利的用英语表达和沟通。而新西兰经济是以服务业占主导的,工作场所的主要任务就是沟通,只需动手不用动口的职位不多。尤其是需要靠工作加分移民的留学生,移民局对Skilled Employment 有严格的定义,英语不好的话几乎是无法胜任的。

许多国际学生到了新西兰后急于求成,学了三个月英语就想升入大专或本科,要赶紧移民。 其实往往欲速则不达。新西兰高等教育很普及,实行的是宽进严出,不像中国考上大学便万事大吉。这些学生英语底子差,学专业课非常吃力,最后课程Failed掉,只有再交钱第二年重读;因为英语不好,毕业后找工作更是难上加难。


因此我们建议国际学生读专业前一定要打好英语基础,但我们不提倡在中国突击雅思,一达到6 .0 就急于上大学。 中国的雅思培训相当于运动员服用兴奋剂,并不能真正提高英语应用能力。

找工作秘笈之二 写好工作履历

俗话说:人靠衣裳马靠鞍。 一个职位空缺通常有40-200 人申请,如何让你的工作履历(CV)一约而出而非石沉大海呢?


为了帮助广大留学生(包括本地华人)尽早找到工作,本公司特聘资深洋人人力资源顾问 T. O’Neil 先生为申请人评估个人能力, 撰写CV。 O’Nail先生曾经在电视(TV One)和报纸 (NZ Herald) 专题介绍寻找工作和CV写作技巧。



我公司还将你的CV刻制成迷你光盘,便于永久保存,需要时拿出来添加修改。随CV附送一套求职信模版( Cover Letter),面试技巧,还有一封非常Professional的给现顾主的辞职信!


找工作秘笈之三 谨防上当受骗




Contact 新之路移民公司 Express Immigration (NZ) Ltd

Address :

新之路移民公司 Express Immigration (NZ) Ltd Level 4/175 Queen Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010, New Zealand

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 1010
Website : http://www.eimmigration.co.nz/
Categories :

新之路移民公司 Express Immigration (NZ) Ltd Level 4/175 Queen Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010, New Zealand

谢谢新之路 jenny 和chen的专业指导, 每个步骤都非常顺利,所交出去的任何材料都是由新之路预先精心指导,结果100% 合格。我们表示衷心感谢并会向所有需要服务的人推荐你们!!! 并希望这些评语可以引用到任何宣传中。 这是我的GOOGLE账号, 如有任何疑问可以向我邮箱核实。 James
Thank you New Road Jenny and Chen for their professional guidance. Every step is very smooth. Any materials submitted are carefully guided by New Road in advance, and the result is 100% qualified. We express our heartfelt thanks and will recommend you to all those who need service! ! ! And hope that these comments can be cited in any publicity. This is my GOOGLE account. If you have any questions, you can check with my email address. James
bella ZHAI on Google

感谢新之路老板专业的讲解。在整个移民过程中非常耐心的提供了高品质的服务。员工也非常的热情,Lee chen 是个非常专业的员工,在材料的提供和整理上给予我们很大的帮助。一路走来能有你们的帮忙很欣慰。
Thanks to the new road boss for his professional explanation. Throughout the immigration process very patiently provided high-quality services. The staff are also very enthusiastic. Lee chen is a very professional employee who has given us great help in the provision and arrangement of materials. It's great to have your help along the way.
Jin Zoey on Google

Thanks to the assistance of the New Way Immigration Company for getting my visa smoothly. I thought I would wait for a while, but I didn't expect it to pass so quickly. Whenever there is a question, Jenny and Lee will patiently reply and solve it in time. Choose you, rest assured, hope that more friends who need visa immigration can get help.
guilin zhao on Google

首先感谢新之路移民公司周到的服务,对新之路移民公司的专业能力、以及其对于移民政策和法规的掌握及运用能力表示高度的肯定与认可。 本人于2005年毕业于新西兰奥克兰大学工程管理硕士专业,并于当年回国,在国内从事项目管理工作至2019年。当年回国时虽然未取得新西兰永久居民身份,但是当时我已经设定了日后必将重返新西兰的目标。2018年1月,经朋友推荐,我选择了新之路移民公司作为自己的移民代理,并于同年3月递交了技术移民的EOI。EOI审批很顺利,一周后即获批,于是于2018年5月份,我递交了所有hardcopy给新西兰移民局。 由于我的移民打分重点依赖于国内10年项目经理的工作经历,所以审理过程相当复杂,需要提供清晰准确地证明文件,新之路移民公司因此而发挥了巨大的作用,在新之路的指导下,我的资料严谨而精准,从而顺利地通过了移民局的第一阶段审理,于2019年1月获得了Job Search Visa(JSV)。 我于2019年5月登陆新西兰,落脚于奥克兰市,开启了找工作之旅。在此解释一下,根据新西兰移民法,我的一年期奥大学历只能首先批准JSV,之后在新西兰找到符合我的工作经验的相应岗位的工作,并顺利工作三个月以后,方可获得Resident Visa。找工作出奇地顺利,我落地后三周即入职于奥克兰某建筑公司,任职项目经理。 在公司工作三个月以后,我通过新之路移民公司向移民局递交了工作期满三个月的相关证明,期待最终居民签证的获批。有句话叫“理想很丰满,现实很骨感”。因为我所就职的公司在移民局存在负面记录,致使我的签证一直被搁置。直到2020年1月,公司因经营不善而濒临破产,我不得不离开了公司。其时,距离我的JSV到期只有40天了。事发突然,事态紧急,如果我不能及时找到新的工作,只能面临打道回府的结局。好在有贵人相助,我很顺利地找到了第二份工作,并于二月底入职新公司。 此时,我面临的下一个问题是签证马上到期,且居民签证遥遥无期的窘境。新之路移民在这紧要关头,帮我设计了先取得技能工签,再继续审理移民的路线,同步,帮我递交了技能工签申请。 幸运之神再一次降临,我于2020年3月11日JSV到期的当天,拿到了3年技能工签,感谢新之路移民的专业与高效。 虽然得到了幸运之神的青睐,可接下来的路依旧艰辛。由于第一份工作的污点,移民局对我接下来的申请表示出了超乎寻常的关照,审理极其严格。在这个审理过程中,移民局三次发RFI给公司,要求澄清我在公司的职务、工作内容、以及公司的财务状况、可持续发展情况等等等等。好在公司确实是正规的大公司,一切无懈可击,且无条件配合我的需求,所有调查均顺利完成。在此,我也对公司表示诚挚的谢意。当然,在这个调查过程中少不了新之路移民公司的专业指导,正是有了专业的顾问,才让我不至于走错路。除此以外,移民局还对我做了超过1小时的电话调查。说实话,这个电话才真的是危机四伏,一旦我答错,甚至移民官对我的英语能力不满意,都可能导致前功尽弃。好在,在新之路的指导下,我的所有资料真实、严谨,同时,我的英语也帮了我,电话调查一切顺利。 苦尽甘来,经过四个月的调查,我终于在煎熬中等来了签证获批的喜讯,成功上岸,我历时二年半的移民之路终于画上了圆满的句号。 感谢新之路的一路支持与陪伴,感谢专业顾问Jenny Jia的对我的信心和服务的细心,正是有了新之路,有了Jenny,才让我一直坚守信念,永不言弃,从而取得了最后的成功。 在此忠告即将上路或者已经在路上的伙伴们,移民之路漫长而复杂,靠谱并专业的移民顾问至关重要。事实证明,我选择新之路移民公司是明智之举,新之路移民值得信任。。
First of all, I would like to thank the New Way Immigration Company for its thoughtful service. I highly affirm and recognize the professional ability of the New Way Immigration Company and its ability to master and apply immigration policies and regulations. I graduated from the University of Auckland, New Zealand with a master's degree in engineering management in 2005. I returned to China that year and worked in domestic project management until 2019. Although I did not obtain permanent resident status when I returned to China that year, I had already set the goal of returning to New Zealand in the future. In January 2018, after a friend's recommendation, I chose New Road Immigration Company as my migration agent, and in March of the same year, I submitted the EOI for skilled immigration. The EOI approval went well and was approved within a week, so in May 2018, I submitted all hardcopy to the New Zealand Immigration Service. Since my immigration score mainly relies on the 10-year work experience of the domestic project manager, the trial process is quite complicated, and clear and accurate supporting documents need to be provided. Therefore, the New Road Immigration Company has played a huge role in guiding the New Road. Next, my information was rigorous and accurate, and I successfully passed the first stage of the immigration review and obtained the Job Search Visa (JSV) in January 2019. I landed in New Zealand in May 2019, settled in Auckland, and embarked on a job hunting journey. Explain here that according to the New Zealand Immigration Law, my one-year Austrian degree can only be approved for JSV first, and then I can find a job in New Zealand that matches my work experience and work smoothly for three months. Resident Visa. The job search was surprisingly smooth. Three weeks after landing, I joined a construction company in Auckland as a project manager. After working in the company for three months, I submitted to the Immigration Bureau through the New Way Immigration Company a proof of the expiration of the three-month working period, and I look forward to the final resident visa approval. There is a saying "ideal is full, reality is skinny". Because the company I work for has a negative record in the immigration office, my visa has been shelved. Until January 2020, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy due to poor management, and I had to leave the company. At that time, it was only 40 days before my JSV expired. The incident happened suddenly and urgently. If I can't find a new job in time, I can only face the ending of going home. Fortunately, with the help of noble people, I successfully found a second job and joined the new company at the end of February. At this time, the next problem I faced was the dilemma that the visa would expire soon and the resident visa would be indefinitely. At this critical juncture, New Way immigrants helped me design a route to obtain a skilled work permit before proceeding with the immigration process, synchronized, and helped me submit a skilled work permit application. The god of luck came again. I got a 3-year skills work permit on March 11, 2020 when the JSV expired. I am grateful for the professionalism and efficiency of the new road immigrants. Although it was favored by the god of luck, the road ahead was still difficult. Due to the taint of my first job, the Immigration Bureau showed extraordinary care for my next application, and the processing was extremely strict. During this trial, the Immigration Bureau sent RFIs to the company three times, requesting clarification of my position in the company, my job content, and the company's financial status, sustainable development, etc. Fortunately, the company is indeed a large formal company, everything is impeccable, and unconditionally cooperate with my needs, all investigations were successfully completed. Here, I also express my sincere thanks to the company. Of course, the professional guidance of the New Way Immigration Company is indispensable in this investigation process. It is because of the professional consultants that I will not go wrong. In addition, the Immigration Bureau also conducted a telephone survey on me for more than one hour. To be honest, this call is really perilous. Once I answer the wrong answer, even if the immigration officer is not satisfied with my English ability, it may lead to abandonment of all previous efforts. Fortunately, under the guidance of New Road, all my information is true and rigorous. At the same time, my English has also helped me, and the telephone investigation has gone well. After four months of investigation, I finally arrived at the good news of visa approval and successfully landed ashore. My immigration road that lasted for two and a half years has finally come to a successful conclusion. Thanks to the new road for your support and company all the way, and the professional consultant Jenny Jia for his confidence and care in my service. It is the new road and Jenny that have allowed me to stick to my faith and never give up. The final success was achieved. I would like to advise those who are on the road or who are already on the road, the immigration road is long and complicated, and reliable and professional immigration consultants are very important. Facts have proved that it was a wise move for me to choose New Road Immigration Company, and New Road Immigration is worthy of trust. .
Geo G on Google

Professional and efficient, we will tailor an immigration plan that meets the actual situation for the guests. Especially the professionalism in the field of business immigration is beyond doubt. Thanks to the licensed consultant, Mr. Peter, for his professional guidance and assistant Yoko for assisting in document preparation. Realize my dream of emigration.
ming you on Google

感谢新之路精英团队的诚挚服务???对移民政策的精准拿捏,为我最初的签证和后期的移民事宜制定了极好的方案,在我的期许内大大节约了我的时间。尤其,感谢顾问Jenny的细心指导和一直以来与Case 对接的 Leah Chen 小姐认真负责的跟进,才使得后期的办理一帆风顺。
Thanks to the sincere service of the elite team of New Road ??? for their precise handling of immigration policy, and for formulating an excellent plan for my initial visa and later immigration matters, which greatly saved my time within my expectations. In particular, thanks to the careful guidance of consultant Jenny and the serious and responsible follow-up of Ms. Leah Chen, who has been connecting with Case, has made the subsequent processing smooth.
Francis diane on Google

professional, enthusiastic, efficient service! Highly recommend
Wang Kiki on Google

I wish to thank Jenny and lee for providing wonderful service. They have guided me to get my desired score. If it was not for them probably I would have not achieved the desired score. They are very knowledgeable and very cooperative tutor and always explain the complex tasks in a very easy manner. i highly recommend you all to visit them for your better result.

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