Matagi Online Mindful Life Coaching - Royal Oak

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Contact Matagi Online Mindful Life Coaching

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Matagi Online Mindful Life Coaching Korma Road, Royal Oak, Auckland 1023, New Zealand

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Matagi Online Mindful Life Coaching Korma Road, Royal Oak, Auckland 1023, New Zealand
ana isabel almeida on Google

Numa fase complexa da minha vida procurei sites com informação sobre mindfulness. Descobri o Mathew nessa pesquisa que promove cursos de mindfulness online através do Skype. Tem sido uma experiência muito positiva e ajuda importante, na vivência em consciência plena no momento presente (sem a perturbação dos pensamentos do passado ou do futuro)e como atingir o equilíbrio emocional na nossa vida e a paz interior , com diversos exercícios que vamos praticando ao longo do dia, segundo orientação dada pelo Mathew nas nossas sessões semanais via Skype. Um contributo muito importante para a nossa saúde mental
In a complex phase of my life I looked for sites with information about mindfulness. I discovered Mathew in this research that promotes online mindfulness courses through Skype. It has been a very positive experience and an important help, in living in full awareness in the present moment (without disturbing the thoughts of the past or the future) and how to achieve emotional balance in our life and inner peace, with various exercises that we are practicing throughout the day, according to guidance given by Mathew in our weekly sessions via Skype. A very important contribution to our mental health
David Lett on Google

Matthew’s calm manner and insightful discussions have over time helped me to focus on a mindful approach to living.
NZ Kiwi on Google

I attended the 4 week course & would like to highly recommend this too anyone interested in learning new tools to help with daily stresses. I’ve learnt new ways to deal with conflict with myself & others. I do wish it was a little longer as I fully enjoyed his teachings.
Marie on Google

Mathew is one of the most loving and caring people that can guide you not only with practical mindfullness-exercises and helpfull stories from true life but also has an spiritual gift that he´s willlingly sharing with you. I have had good help and many insight in our skype-sessions. Marie from Sweden
Henry Warren on Google

My wife and I have been following Mathew’s online Mindfulness course for the last two months and we both feel our lives have been enhanced from our weekly hourly class with him. Before starting Mathew’s course I had been practicing mindfulness for some years - the knowledge coming from a pre-recorded online video course and books on the subject. However, after some initial progress I felt I was getting stuck and that I needed face to face contact with a teacher that I could directly communicate with. As there were no mindfulness teachers where I live In Portugal, I contacted Mathew. My wife and I were a bit hesitant at first, but after our initial session we took an immediately liking to him and the way he communicated with us. I feel I am now making progress and my wife and I believe we are leading more mindful and wholesome lives. It would be indeed wonderful to fully realize that there is a oneness, that we are all one and that we all come from the same source. I am not there yet, but there are moments when it all seems to come together and I feel one with what is around and within me. What I particularly like is that Mathew constantly reminds us that mindfulness or consciousness is not something that is confined to the meditation mat, but a way of being that we should try to incorporate into our daily life and routine – to be present, to be in the here and now in whatever we do. When I was travelling in India as a young man I tried a number of yoga and meditation techniques and visited a number of Ashrams, but never felt comfortable with the religious side, the concept of reincarnation or the idea of having all knowing guru as a teacher. Mathew is not like that. He is knowledgeable yes, but he is not trying to be a guru. He is more like a wise brother and a friend. My wife and I feel very relaxed in his company – on the internet it is almost like he is in the room with us. What impresses me most is his sincerity, his honesty and his desire to guide us in the way he believes suits us best. This is no formulaic course. He understands that each student is different and what works for one, may not work for another. We very much feel that we are individuals and that Mathew talks to us as such. We finished our two month course just over a week ago, but have decided to continue with a session every two weeks and then to a session every month to maintain our contact with Mathew and to continue our journey wherever it may take us.
CA CA on Google

I met Mathew 10 years ago, and recently reconnected with him via his on line meditation Skype sessions. His insight and wisdom have provided me with a true understanding of Mindful living. As a psychologist, I am using the insight gained in our sessions with my clients. Mathew is guiding me to the joy of being present. My clients benefit as well, as I share his wisdom with them. I highly recommend his sessions to all who want to know the art of living in the present.

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