옥토장로교회 뉴질랜드 오클랜드 시티 한인교회 (New Zealand Auckland City Korean Church) 뉴질랜드한인교회 오클랜드한인교회 - 9층

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Contact 옥토장로교회 뉴질랜드 오클랜드 시티 한인교회 (New Zealand Auckland City Korean Church) 뉴질랜드한인교회 오클랜드한인교회

Address :

9층, Auckland 1010, New Zealand

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 1010
Website : http://cafe.naver.com/octopeople
Categories :

9층, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
안민정 on Google

난갱갱이야 on Google

진짜 말씀 은혜되고 성경공부 너무너무 좋아요. 뉴질랜드에 오신 학생분들 워홀분들 꼭 오셔서 예배드리고 성경공부 참여해보시길 추천드려요!!
The real word is grace, and the Bible study is so good. If you are a student in New Zealand, you are welcome to come to worship and participate in Bible study!

성형 충만으로 뉴질랜드 한민족 젊은이들의 영혼을 살리는 산실입니다. 뜨겁게 찬양하고 기도하고 목사님 말씀으로 모두 위로받고 주님 만납니다. 여정 중에 주일 예배 드리고 카레라이스 함께 맛있게 해 먹었습니다. 목사님과 청년들 모두 위해서 기도합니다. 감사합니다.
It is the birthplace of young people living in New Zealand. Praise hotly, pray, and be comforted by the pastor's words and meet the Lord. We worshiped on Sunday during our journey and ate with curry and rice. Pray for the pastor and the young. Thank you.
Park Jinyoung on Google

하나님의 살아계심과 성령님의 역사하심이 나타나는 교회입니다. 삶의 답답하고 어려운 일들 가운데 주님의 선하신 뜻을 성경공부와 말씀으로 깨달아 모두 평안과 화평이있기를 축복합니다. 이 교회에 와서 진짜 예수님은 누구신지 하나님은 어떤분이신지 알아가시기를 기도합니다! 출입문이 간혹 잠겨있거나 엘레베이터 사용이 어렵다면 간판에 있은 전화번호로 꼭 연락주세요! 365일 수요일 금요일 주일은 항상 예베가 있으니 언제든 환영합니다! :) It is a church that shows the living of God and the working of the Holy Spirit. I bless all of you with peace which is coming from understanding the good will of the Lord through Bible study. So the Word of God amidst the frustrating and difficult things of your life. I pray that you will come to this church and find out about more of Jesus Christ and God who create you! If the door is sometimes locked or it is difficult to use the elevator, please contact the phone number on the front sign. We have worship on every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. 365 days we always have a service so please free to come you are welcome! :)
It is a church where the living of God and the working of the Holy Spirit appear. I bless all of you with peace and peace by understanding the good will of the Lord through Bible study and the Word amidst the frustrating and difficult things of life. I pray that you will come to this church and find out who the real Jesus is and who God is! If the door is sometimes locked or it is difficult to use the elevator, please contact us at the phone number on the sign! Wednesday, 365 days a week, we always have a yebe, so welcome! :) It is a church that shows the living of God and the working of the Holy Spirit. I bless all of you with peace which is coming from understanding the good will of the Lord through Bible study. So the Word of God amidst the frustrating and difficult things of your life. I pray that you will come to this church and find out about more of Jesus Christ and God who create you! If the door is sometimes locked or it is difficult to use the elevator, please contact the phone number on the front sign. We have worship on every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. 365 days we always have a service so please free to come you are welcome! :)

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