Sleep Works | Baby Sleep Consultant - Hamilton - Tamahere

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Sleep Works | New Zealand Baby & Toddler Sleep Consultant -

Sleep Works is a New Zealand based Baby & Toddler Sleep Consultant. Providing gentle, natural and holistic sleep solutions for tired mums and their babies throughout the greater Waikato region. Contact Tamara Bruce today for your free 15 minute phone consultation.

About Sleep Works | Baby Sleep Consultant - Hamilton

simon & ryan

“This is Ryan. Yes, you might think she has a gorgeous smile and yes you might think she has cute cheeks too, but what you don’t see if that she was a stealer of her parents sleep!

After 4 ½ weeks of sleepless nights and multiple wake up’s we were at our wits ends and didn’t know what to do. We hadn’t had these challenges with our son and weren’t, in our minds, doing anything differently she just wasn’t sleeping any longer than 2 hours at a time. We’d tried every tip, trick and method across more baby forums, Facebook pages and friend than I can remember, and that’s when my fiancé suggested we get some help from Sleepworks sleep consultants.

I must admit that when my fiancé first suggested this, I was very sceptical. How could someone come in, understand our baby, get to know us and fix this problem in a relatively short space of time (2.5 hrs, surely those abilities lie in the realms of magic! Despite this I knew that we both needed sleep, and so we agreed to give it a try.

As soon as we’d met Tam my scepticism was replaced by amazement! I was blown away with how genuine Tam was, how well she listened and questioned us to really understand what we wanted to achieve, what we’d tried, how we were feeling and the whole way through reassured us that we were trying the right things. She holds such a calming, kind and supportive demure that we both immediately felt comfortable and for the first time ever that this would actually fix Ryan’s sleeping.

From our conversations Tam quickly homed in on the fact that we weren’t giving Ryan time to self-settle and therefore she didn’t know how. Tam then took us through some options and approaches to help Ryan to learn to self-settle, a process which felt so collaborative because she kept re-enforcing that it had to be an approach which we were comfortable with.

The first training session was hard, particularly for me being a protective father of my daughter. Letting her cry it out really pulled at the heart strings so having Tam’s calmness and caring there to help was invaluable. Over the next couple of weeks Tam continued to support us and give us re-assurance that we were doing the right things and doing well. And the results, well we now have a happy 6 month old who only wakes once for a feed through the night, and a very happy and more alert Mum and Dad who are massively grateful for the support.

We’ve already recommended you to a number of friends and colleagues and will continue to do so for a long time!

Tam you are an absolute super star and we can’t thank you enough for helping us.”

Contact Sleep Works | Baby Sleep Consultant - Hamilton

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Sleep Works | Baby Sleep Consultant - Hamilton 161 Tamahere Drive, Tamahere, Hamilton 3283, New Zealand

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 3283
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Sleep Works | Baby Sleep Consultant - Hamilton 161 Tamahere Drive, Tamahere, Hamilton 3283, New Zealand
Mish M on Google

Wow, where to begin!! I reached out to Tam for some guidance on getting my wee 8 month old to sleep through the night and learn to self settle after waking during the night, without the bottle. From the first initial contact right through to the final wrap up email (sad it was ending!!) Tam was absolutely sensational. Her constant daily communication during the 2 week sleep training, the tips and tricks, modifications as we went and her guidance and support for me and my family during this time was unprecedented: Nothing is a problem for Tam and she is super soft and caring about working with your personality, your babes needs and the process along the way. Tam has changed my life in an amazing way and Millie is even happier than she was before!! Thank you Tam, you have left a lasting impression. Mish xxx
Sarah Barker on Google

One phone call enquiry and I knew Tam was the right Sleep Consultant for us. We had got in a situation where our 15 month old daughter had only known to fall asleep on us in her room for any or all of her naps. With Tam's expertise and guidance, we now have a great routine, a happy daughter and most of all, we all get to sleep through the night, every night with a little human that can now self settle! If you are questioning with to commit, I can 200% confirm you will not regret it. Signing up with Tam was the best decision and she is the loveliest, personable and caring consultant you will find.
Matt Whyte on Google

We were four weeks out from the arrival of our second child, yet we were still getting up to our 14 month old who would wake and not settle, between two to three times a night. We had been advised to feed her as she was underweight for her age etc and as she seemed hungry during the night. We had researched sleep training and tried a variety of methods ourselves with no real improvement. So my partner and I talked with Tam at sleep-works, we all got on the same wavelength quickly and made a plan to get started straight away. Our goal was to give our baby restorative sleep, and ensure good sleep practices to help with the arrival of our next baby. The first two nights were tough, on all three of us. But being able to message Tam, having set out the guidelines for the night and then debriefing with Tam the next morning was what we had been missing in our previous attempts of “sleep training”. She was on call and our coach. We felt she was letting us parent our child, but with expert and holistic tips to bring lots of things together in to help achieve our goals. The third night, our baby slept for thirteen hours, although we didn’t as we weren’t used to that and had to check on her! The next two weeks we kept in touch with Tam, refined a few things and we haven’t looked back. Her eating has dramatically transformed and the theories have prove true and reliable. It’s given us confidence back. Not once did we feel like we had been “told off” if we didn’t stick to the “routine”. It was just friendly advice, suggesting where things went wrong or how to make them better next time. Once the newborn had arrived, we got back in touch with Tam to help us navigate through having a toddler adjust to life with another baby in the house. Tam has changed our lives and we would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone wanting help getting their little one to sleep.
Stacey Graham on Google

We are so happy we were recommended Tam from another family! They mentioned it was the best money they have spent and I would definately agree! We were struggling with getting our little girl out of the swaddle, sleeping through the night and dropping the dummy. I was waking up every hour to replace the dummy and 2-3 feeds a night. First night with Tam, she slept unswaddled, without a dummy and 1 feed. Night 2 and she slept from 6.20pm to 7am and we haven't looked back since! Couple of months down the track and she self settles before I Ieave the room and sleeps through the night! Tam was so understanding and willing to work with us and change things to suit our family. She was available to always answer my questions, no matter what time or how silly they may have been. We loved our time with Tam! Thank you so much for all your support
Kiwi Vibes on Google

Tam is THE BEST baby sleep consultant out there! She is unbelievably good value. For a one-off fee you basically have her on call all day every day for two weeks. She is amazingly calm, kind and loving. My wife had a lot of reservations regarding her own mental health going into our time with Tam, but Tam was an absolute angel and my wife is now strong and confident after our two weeks. Our 11-month-old Piper went from having to be cuddled/fed to sleep every single time, to putting herself to sleep and sleeping 12+ hours every single night. I would recommend Tam 100% to anyone wanting a friendly and SUCCESSFUL approach to helping get your baby to sleep. Just amazing!
Maxene London on Google

Honestly such a game changer! Now that we’re all having such great sleep, we’ve not only got a much happier 1 year old, but our relationship is better off as well (no sleep = grumpy, fighting parents!). The support we received from Tam was amazing, we couldn’t have done it without her. We learned the skills we needed to help our 1 year old navigate the 12 month regression, as well as self settling and resettling skills. We now put him into bed wide awake for every nap, and at bed time, and he puts himself to sleep within minutes every time! Previously we were spending upwards of 30 minutes rocking him to sleep every time.
Lihan Chunyu on Google

Tam is amazing. We spent 18 months with bad sleep and no sleeping for mum and dad. In one night we saw a complete turnaround in sleep and by the end of our two week period with Tam our toddler is a perfect example of what a good sleeper looks like. We even called her in for the baby as we know what good sleep looks like we are much less tolerant of a sleep deprived state for ourselves.
Chris Cooper on Google

We have recently finished our week of support from Tam in helping our little boy consolidate his daytime naps as well as improve his nighttime sleeps too. Tam has been a fantastic support to both myself and my wife and the results have been truly amazing. I would recommend her to anyone looking for help and advice around their child's sleep and we will definitely be in touch again (should the time come!). Thanks again Tam, we're super happy and extremely grateful for all of your work, efforts, and support!

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