KIWI Fashion - Free Shipping Worldwide - KIWI Fashion - Free Shipping Worldwide 25 Erceg Way

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact KIWI Fashion - Free Shipping Worldwide

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KIWI Fashion - Free Shipping Worldwide 25 Erceg Way, Auckland 2113, New Zealand

Phone : 📞 +899
Postal code : 2113
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KIWI Fashion - Free Shipping Worldwide 25 Erceg Way, Auckland 2113, New Zealand
Алена Прекрасная on Google

Решила немного обновить гардероб и прикупила в KIWI Fashion несколько стильных и оригинальных вещичек. Очень порадовали доступные цены, хорошее качество, а от выбора просто глаза разбегаются
I decided to update the wardrobe a bit and bought some stylish and original things from KIWI Fashion. Really pleased with affordable prices, good quality, and from the choice just eyes run up
Alyona Ivanchyna on Google

Багатий вибір одягу, безкоштовна доставка. Досить реально оновити свій гардероб навіть із невеликим бюджетом, головне - не прогавити знижки.
Wide choice of clothes, free shipping. It is quite realistic to update your wardrobe even with a small budget, the main thing is not to miss the discounts.
Валентина Маковей on Google

Когда заказывала пуховик, долго выбирала цвет и особенно размер, чтобы потом не пришлось менять. На днях получила свой заказ: качество отличное и сидит весьма хорошо. Очень довольна покупкой
When I ordered a down jacket, I chose a color and especially a size for a long time so that I would not have to change it later. The other day I received my order: the quality is excellent and it sits very well. Very happy with the purchase
Liliy Melenko on Google

I have purchased a lovely t-shirt here.Very satisfied with quality of service this company provides.
София Темченко on Google

Like my new pullover from this store. Great quality and fits great. Shopping with KIWI Fashion is nice and easy
Nastya Tsyganok on Google

I have bought a beautiful shirt as a birthday gift to my husband. He is very happy. Thanks, KIWI
Maria Prokofieva on Google

I’ve ordered clothes from this company many times and I’ve always been satisfied with quality of the goods. Plus excellent discounts.
Ralina Ismagilova on Google

Have made several orders and never had an issue. This online store is a good place to buy stylish clothes at low prices. They have tons of good stuff.

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