Doggy Dan - Doggy Dan 47 Constable Road

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

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Doggy Dan 47 Constable Road, Muriwai 0881, New Zealand

Phone : 📞 +777
Postal code : 0881
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Doggy Dan 47 Constable Road, Muriwai 0881, New Zealand
Graham Potter on Google

Worst website ever
Frank Mouat on Google

Love the format of this dog training, can check it out when it suits and DD covers pretty much every different scenario. Also handy that all family members can be getting consistent info without having to attend a training session at one time. Oh, and affordable :)
Peter Gregory on Google

Simply, Doggie Dan is GOD. Me and my now 7 month old Saluki cross have followed his golden rules and Pepper is a much better behaved, content and easy dog to have around. She’s still a pup at heart and will be naughty but the golden rules are well established and she knows her place in the family. I thoroughly recommend Dan to anyone anywhere in the world with doggie training needs. If you were in the UK I’d have you round to see her progress Peat
Sara Micallef on Google

The method does work! As long as you follow through and are consistent. The website and academy are wonderful. So many videos to watch on all topics at your own pace.
Karina on Google

I cannot recommend Doggy Dan enough! We took our very rambunctious one year old dog to see Dan as we struggled with a few behavioral issues relating to energy levels, dominance & stubbornness, and hyperactivity. We were stressed out and losing hope as all other training methods and vet advice was not working for our dog but we so desperately wanted to help him fit in with our family. Within 5 minutes of meeting our dog Dan picked our dogs personality and behaviors expertly. Dan talked us through his wolf pack philosophy and 5 golden rules and it just made so much sense! We have implemented all he has taught us and have been following through consistently and the change in our dog is phenomenal. He still has a way to go but is now more responsive to us, we have so much more hope now that he is developing into a well-rounded, wonderful dog who is no longer trying to fight for top spot the whole time. Dan gave us the essential tools we needed to teach our dog, that we would not have found anywhere else. All his methods emphasize a gentle and calm approach- a unique and welcomed method in a world full of shock collars, physical punishment and "boot camps". Dan is a wealth of knowledge and knows his stuff, you will not be disappointed! Subscription to his website also offers tons of resources- training tips/courses, videos, blogs, podcasts, and an online community. Dan offers ongoing support after your consultation, he is invested and cares for your dogs journey. I never thought I'd see the day my hyperactive dog calm and happily lounging around the house, we are very happy to have found Doggy Dan!
Jo Wildermoth on Google

I stumbled upon 'The Dog Calming Code' whilst going down a Google rabbit hole trying to find out why my 2 year old rescue dog Lulu, had suddenly become aggressive with other dogs. After watching the brief video clip I immediately downloaded the App and worked my way through the 5 Golden Rules. The penny certainly dropped pretty quickly!! Her attitude was the result of how we were treating her (like a human), and she was definitely the Alpha in our family home! So of course protecting us was her job! I absolutely LOVE this method. It really is so simple and easy to follow, and makes total sense. The best thing about it, is there is no 'training' as such. No hand signals, verbal or physical commands. Everything is done in a calm manner and results are immediate! Within one day, Lulu stopped barking at the neighbours dog and the postman. I was dreading the last rule... The Walk...but even that went surprisingly well. I managed to go on a 20 minute structured walk around the neighbourhood without her pulling once. Yes, there was a lot of zig-zagging, but I felt as though I had won lotto when I got home. For the first time ever, I didn't have rope burn! As dog owners, we need to remember that there is no magic wand. And as is the case with every relationship in life, you have to be consistent and have patience to get a good outcome. But this really is working. I know I have a while to go yet (until she becomes more friendly with other dogs again) but I'm willing to keep at it - whilst staying calm! Thank you Doggy Dan!!
Robert King-Borrero on Google

Dan has a wealth of experience and offers insights that we would have been very unlikely to work out on our own. Having a one-on-one with Dan was worth every penny. We had tried the online program for about a month but then slackened off, right when our pup was about 6 months old and in the middle of a significant develepmental stage. It was a disaster. Seeing Dan gave us a tune up and we're now back on track with our pup set up for success. Would seriously recommend Dan to anyone struggling with their pup. And he's a super nice guy too. Thanks for the tamarillos Dan, they were delicious!
Michelle Martin on Google

Hazel and I spent an invaluable 2 hours with Dan after she suddenly began acting aggressively to other dogs. I had begun dreading our daily walks as her behaviour was so unpredictable. Dan’s advice is so logical and with clear steps to follow for the whole family, hazel’s behaviour changed almost immediately. I feel like we are starting to get our beautiful girl back. We understand we have to change our habits as a family to have a happy, relaxed and content dog. Dan’s steps are actually so easy and straightforward it’s not a daunting task at all. The doggy Dan website is such a great resource as well. Highly recommend.

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