Mt Somers Summit - Mt Somers Summit

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mt Somers Summit

Staveley 7771, New Zealand
Xavier B on Google

Challenging tramp, but once on top worth every step!
Milan on Google

Wonderful hike. Steep and open, so not advisable for beginners, also can be treacherous in winter.
Josh Roaming Around (jrlreyes13) on Google

Not for a beginner like me but worth it. Struggled on the way up to the summit as my legs were tighteninp. Barely made it back to the car park. At this point my legs were already like jello. Tip: bring lots of water and trail food. Gloves to protect your hand on the descent in case you slipped and have to break your fall with your hands.
Richard Ertel on Google

A fantastic walk. Even though DOC say it's a 5 hour ascent to the summit it's usually a lot less. Make sure you take plenty of water and sunscreen as the second part of the climb is very exposed. Also make sure you have shoes with good grip as you will encounter a lot of scree on the climb that can be tricky to navigate descending.
keiran king on Google

Excellent hike. Good part of a day. Went up the deer spur side first. Good ridge climb. If you’ve got the time, go to the next hit up. Worth the extra effort. Bit of a scramble at the top, but again, reward and effort.
a bd on Google

A challenging track but well worth the views. Took 9.5 hours from the Woodshed Creek hut to the summit and back to the Sharplin carpark.
Emil Dahlgren on Google

Challenge hike, it's different way to get there. We went first to the Whoolsheed Creek hut and then off the path and straight up to the Mt somers. It's took totally 7 hours with break and food, up and down. The Whoolsheed Creek is really beautiful and I would recommend anyone if they could to have sleepover at that hut
Rachael McKay on Google

5hour return hike for most novice to intermediate hikers. Start at the Stavely carpark end and use bathroom facilities first as there are none on hike accept for a nz LavaTree. Start of the hike is a steady uphill though nz beech forest, the track is quite narrow but easy to find. Once you reach the 1st sign after 2.5hours it heads up towards the summit at a steeper gradient. The track is pole routed from here on but easily to follow in the summer. The track consists of loose gravel and clayish rock so can be slippery on the way down. Once at the summit there are great views in all angles. You can sign the visitors book which is hiding under the north/south/west/east box.

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