Tangahoe Tunnel - Tangahoe Tunnel

4.6/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Tangahoe Tunnel

Ohangai 4672, New Zealand
Ian Canty on Google

Tyson Mascull on Google

Jennifer Phillips on Google

john gould on Google

Its like going back in time,had the whole place to myself.
Hugh Cowan on Google

Secluded and full of history
Walter Foott on Google

Unique experience with a beautiful lake on the other side, the whole valley is like stepping back in time by forty years into NZ past a sacred spot.
Walter Foott on Google

The tunnel takes you to a man made lake Rotorangi it's ninety two is long with a hydro dam at the Patra end, it's very pretty if you have boat there are many places to make a camp beautiful spot.

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