Kepler Track - Great Walks - Kepler Track - Great Walks

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kepler Track - Great Walks

9679, New Zealand
andreas “the_colour_of_time” e. on Google

Was soll ich dazu noch sagen als einfach traumhaft, abenteuerlich und abgefahren. Haben die 60km am Kepler Track in 2 Tagen abgerissen und es war unglaublich schön!
What can I say about it as simply fantastic, adventurous and crazy. Broke the 60km on the Kepler Track in 2 days and it was incredibly beautiful!
Luke Hopkirk on Google

Great Hike Definitely One of my favorites!
Richard John on Google

A must-do. Just make sure you choose the right weather!
Ruby Huang on Google

Love this track, as if I were going into the clouds.
Christina on Google

One of the most beautiful hikes I have ever been on! If you visit New Zealand this is an absolute must! This trail offers beautiful views of a lake, beech forest, grasslands, and mountains. If you’re a Lord of the Rings fan I felt as if this trek offered the same type of scenery that was shown throughout the movie series, which was a must for me. Absolutely breathtaking landscape!
Chris Heaps on Google

A fabulous track with some breathtaking views over fijordland. Interesting side excursions from the huts will take you to Luxmore cave and a waterfall near Irisburn.You'll almost definitely run into a Kea or two. There's a chance to see Kiwi if you're lucky too.
Marin Ianev on Google

We did Kepler track over 4 days the full 60 km. It was an amazing walk. The views are breathtaking and the track itself is challenging but manageable. First day takes you up to Luxmore hut. We expected this to be the hardest day but it was actually the second day that was very testing. Luxmore hut is the best one out of the three huts. All of them had drinkable water and flashing toilets! The rangers are very friendly and full of useful information. Second day is long and there are lots of ups and downs. The views from the top of my Luxmore and the ridge were absolutely magnificent! The last couple of hours down hill seems to lasted forever and were very hard on the knees. . The last two days were enjoyable walk through the forest and beside the river.
Jared on Google

Really nice track to do, would say if coming to NZ one to put on your list, does have a theft sign before you start so something to be mindful of when away fom a few days. DOC huts were top notch. If your a Kiwi though good time to visit while country is closed, the lack of people really enriches the experience ? Oh good amount of beautiful fungus to take pictures of if you are into that as well ?

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