Key Summit Trail - Key Summit Trail

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Key Summit Trail

Southland 9679, New Zealand
Maxim Podbereznyy on Google

Great hiking trail to test your endurance! I went there for sunrise and was absolutely alone there. If I had clouds I could take a great image..
Kristy Robinson on Google

if you're in te anau and only have half a day I recommend doing the walk up here. you can park at the divide and it takes about 2.5 hours return. very beautiful up the top and you get views over lake marian. a moderate level of fitness is required.
Gerard McCall on Google

Brilliant walk with great views of God-zone. Roughly an hour up to the start of the Key Summit walk from the Divide and then its about an hour to the Key Summit proper. Once your back at the junction its only about another 15 minutes down to Lake Howden Hut in the Greenstone Valley. Pretty well formed track but be mindful in the winter months if you are terying this that ice/snow can make the track pretty greasey to walk on. On a clear day it is well worth the views and photos.
Martin Arrowsmith on Google

This trail is really worth the effort to climb it for the fabulous views around. The path is easy to follow and well surfaced. We wore walking boots but walking shoes would also do. The nature trail at the top is also worth exploring.
Matt Sands on Google

Incredible walk. Absolutely stunning views from the top make this unmissable. A perfect way to break up the return drive from Milford Sound if you have time. If you don't have time, make time. There is fresh water and toilets available at the start as well at a toilet near the peak.
W R Edwards on Google

"All nature is at war”. - Charles Darwin Sundew or Drosera is cited by Darwin as ‘the most wonderful plants in the world’. The oldest evolution of an existing carnivory lineage has been dated to 86 million years ago. Darwin found that self-pollination leads to lower fitness and higher sterility. Inbred plants, like inbred animals and inbred human monarchy, the Habsburgs, don’t fare well, at least over time—a phenomenon that’s now known as inbreeding depression. Sundews reproduce sexually. How to effectively cross-pollinate? They need insects to move from one flower to the next. Surprised by the large numbers of insects caught in sundew traps, Darwin suspected that the plants release odours that attract insect prey to their sticky leaves. It has been confirm scientifically that Sundews in New Zealand use smells to lure prey. Their leaves emit volatiles that beckon gnats, midges and mosquitoes. Flower odours attract floral visitors – insect pollinators – while leaf odours deter them. Only insects that the sundews usually eat are attracted by the leaf odours. Found in habitats where other plants usually can’t thrive — like bogs with nutrient-poor soil — they often need to supplement their diet with nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. Carnivorous plants have developed a unique way to obtain these key nutrients - from insects. Specifically, by consuming them. The flora fatale of the plant world!
Vi Duc Phan on Google

Good three hours return walk through the bush to the alpine lakes. Steady and fairly easy climb, suitable for all ages. This is also mark the beginning/end part of the multi days Routeburn track.
Craig Towers on Google

Great trail. Been up 3 or 4 times. Pretty incredible after a snow fall. You are surrounded by mountains.

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