Anchorage Campsite - Anchorage Campsite

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Anchorage Campsite

Tasman 7183, New Zealand
Luca van Gorkom on Google

Beautiful bay, plenty of tourists though. The campsite can get cramped in the tourist season, but it's still very nice.
James Walker` on Google

Great DOC campground facilities, excellent location with beach access. Full facilities and treated water.
Natasha O'Hara on Google

What an amazing spot! Such great facilities
Hugo Bosman on Google

Well equipped campsite. Gets a bit crowded with all the campers and beach goers. But protected to the ocean winds
Antony Joseph on Google

Near the beach. Good place to relax and walk around. Exceptional natural beauty. Lot of birds. There is a place for camp fire.
Hana on Google

Really great clean facilities and easy access you can tramp in on a beautiful track with native bush and birds or take a beautiful ferry ride over often veiwing seals on the rocks, the beach has golden sand and the water is clear there are caves with glow worms!! It really is a great place to go that's easy to access. Warning! it gets very busy during holidays when people visit from overseas.
Abdel Baligh on Google

Pretty awesome site, the night is amazing though a bit crowded. If you want something secluded with privacy stay away from here, if you like company then this is definitely the place to be. You can come here either via a 4 hour hike, or a ~38$ boat each way. The water is nice to swim in, there's also kayak rentals but you have to arrange that in advance. There's running water, drinking water, a kitchen, placed to wash your feet, and a psuedo-shower that someone made from a hose, not the best way to shower but it's there.
Cherie on Google

Great place for a picnic, lots of tracks nearby for walking.

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