Routeburn Track - Routeburn Track

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Routeburn Track

9679, New Zealand
Hsieh Terry on Google

TR Family 2018/02/03走此健行步道,早上9:30出發,晚上9:30回到登山起點,單日來回!共走了28公里的路程!
TR Family 2018/02/03 take this hiking trail, starting at 9:30 in the morning and returning to the starting point of climbing at 9:30 in the evening, back and forth in one day! A total of 28 kilometers walked!
Miguel 55 on Google

ルートバーントラックは比較的展望のきくとても素晴らしい登山ルートです。クイーンズタウンの近郊にはもうひとつミルフォードトラックがありますがこちらは樹林帯が多いと聞きました。 私はルートバーンの方に行きました。子供の頃写真などで見た素晴らしいニュージーランドの大自然のイメージそのものでした。遠くに近くに雪山を見ながら、湖や滝を見て決められたルートに沿って途中山小屋に泊まりながら歩きます。 このルートは個人で勝手には入れません。料金を支払い入山許可とオリエンテーションを受けて、許可を持ったガイドを付けなければいけません。私たちが行ったときは日本人とオランダ人の方がガイドしてくれました。又 自然保護のために1日の入山者数が限定されたいます。従って予約が必要です。また行きたいです。 このポイントが入り口となります。一方通行で出口は別なところです。山小屋は小さな自家発電機でカメラやスマホの充電が出来ないかも知れません。事前に100%充電して、予備のバッテリーがあれば安心ですね。
The route burn track is a great climbing route with a relatively clear view. There is another Milford truck in the suburbs of Queenstown, but I heard that there are many forest zones here. I went to Routeburn. It was a wonderful image of the great nature of New Zealand that I saw in my photographs as a child. Walk while staying in a mountain hut along the route determined by looking at the lake and waterfall while watching the snowy mountains in the distance. This route is not personal. You must pay a fee, receive permission and orientation, and attach a guide with permission. When we went, Japanese and Dutch people guided us. In addition, I would like to limit the number of visitors per day for nature conservation. Reservations are therefore required. I want to go again. This point is the entrance. One way and exit is different. The mountain hut may not be able to charge the camera or smartphone with a small private generator. If you have 100% charge in advance and a spare battery, it's safe.
Elliot Whiley on Google

Stunning views
Anna Kosinova on Google

Beautiful track,especially in winter time. Such a wonderland and quiet place for relax and escape from city. Spend night in Routeburn falls hut alone.
Kristy Robinson on Google

if you only have a day you can park at the divide and walk up the key summit trail and down to lake howden hut. it took us about 3 hours all up with a break for lunch. a moderate amount of fitness is needed. key summit was spectacular and was much more than I was expecting. make sure to bring enough water as the water taps weren't working at the carpark and at lake howden they recommend boiling the water.
Alexandra Smith on Google

Took the hike up to Key Summit from this end of the Routeburn Track. It was an uphill climb the whole way without any flat sections, but the climb was at a steady, reasonable incline the whole way so we were able to keep up a good pace without feeling overworked. We aren't the fastest nor the slowest and we got to the summit turn off in about 40 minutes. It was another 20 min from there to get to the summit. With pictures and a snack break, it took about 2.5 hours to hike to the summit and back (2 hours if you only count the walking time -- sign at the beginning says to allow about 3 hours). The trail is more humid and warm near the bottom, and had a lot of ferns growth. As you get higher, you see a lot more trees and it cools off. The nature trail at the top takes longer than expected to actually reach the true summit (it says 5 min, it's more like 10-15, depending on your pace). It goes past a boggy/marshy area, then at the actual summit, you get a tiny glimpse of Lake Marian. It was nice but the summit doesn't really get high enough to get the amazing view that some of the other walks we did in the area had. It's short enough to be worth the time, but if you only have time for one hike, not sure I'd say this is the one not to miss. There's water you can fill your bottles and right behind the bus waiting area in the parking lot. Toilets were not great at all, but one nice thing is that there is a toilet close to the top of the summit, just in case you need one. The day we were there, we only got bit once by a biting fly, and that was down in the parking lot.
noora puro on Google

Beautiful hike full of majestic alpine views and huge waterfalls. Track was a bit crowded at times, especially close to the Divide with access to a popular day hike. I do recommend doing the whole track in 2-3 days to get the full experience.
Bob Januarius on Google

Loved it. Excellent hike on a good track but be careful with the uneven surface. I recommend not using the toilets at the carpark end of the trail (they're breath-takingly smelly) but to use the one up the hill at Key Summit.

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